Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Strole down memory lane

This was a letter of encourgment that I wrote to my high school senior class...

Congratulation, you’ve done what most people don’t accomplish in a lifetime, and that is taking responsibility of your life. I’ve sat back these past months and watched you all work so hard. At times the load became much you worked through it. Class of ’08 , you deserve the best in life, settle for nothing less than that. The world needs you to be strong. The world needs you to be brilliant. Please students, be willing to stand up and take your role in society. Our years together has taught me a lot, but the thing that that I will take away the most is that, if we as a generation continue to believe in ourselves and strive for excellence, then our lives will be examples for those that follow. Thank you class of 2008 and congratulations

Saturday, November 29, 2008


For 18 years, I have searched for my meaning in life. Throughout my life there were many things that influenced my actions and decisions. My dad left when I was nine years old so when it comes to important points in my life, the “dad era” wasn’t one of them. The breadwinner at 456 Vermont was my mom. After my dad left she took on the role of mother and father. She put her health on the line to make sure that me and my brothers didn’t have to face the worst. She worked 3 jobs to support us. When I entered middle school her hard work was catching up with her.
At the age of 11, my mom’s health took a nose dive. At this time, I felt as though I had to step up to the plate and be the man that she needed or at least give her that extra support that she longed for. In order to do this, I had to learn to cook and clean. Since daddy wasn’t there to take care of her, I decided that I would. And from that point on, I swore to myself that I would never leave her side. But, I now realize that the best thing that I can do for my mom is to leave her and become the man that she wants me to be. Because I was put into a position to become a man at a young age I couldn’t really learn much from my peers, therefore my role model was always the men that effected my life in the most positive ways.
I realized the man that I wanted to be through the examples of two brilliant men. Their names are Mr. Edey and Mr. Yard. These men thought me what it meant to be a man in today’s society. Because I didn’t have a dad around I used them as an example of what a real male figure is suppose to be. They taught me all the lesson and morals that I would need to survive in this world. Before they sat me down and helped me grow up I would put other before myself, not realizing that I had to please myself as well. These men helped show me that if I looked out for myself than it would be much more easier to please others. All of these circumstances and influences helped me to become who I am today. I am now enrolled in St. Johns University, with hopes to graduate top in my class. I am pursuing a major in psychology. I have 3 main goals in life, prove doubters wrong, prove myself right, and make my mom proud.

The quote that helped me grow into a man

“Excuses are tools of the incompetent built upon mounds of nothingness”. This quote was said to me by my social studies teacher, Mr. Jones. Throughout my middle school years I wasn’t the best student. I wasn’t really bad, but I just wasn’t performing at the level that I could. Every day in class when it was time to hand in homework I would have this beautiful story of all the OTHER things that I had to do and how tired I was. In reality I didn’t have anything to do, I just spent all night watching “The Simpson’s”. One day, I come in the class and Mr. Jones started to collect the homework. When he got to me I was ready. After I told him about my little brother getting in trouble and me needing to talk to him, Mr. Jones walked over to the board and wrote the first quote that I ever took seriously. I didn’t quite understand it at first but after he explained it to me I realized that if I didn’t change now, the nothingness that he spoke about would take over my life.
This quote means that only those that are incapable of performing well use excuses to support their inactions. I came to the understanding that I am capable of anything; therefore, there should be no excuses from me whatsoever. This quote is important to me because it helped me learn to take responsibility for my action or inactions, rather than making excuses to make them easier to deal with or lighten the consequences. This quote helped me become a man.

a lil taste of poetry...God is Love


Your eyes is visible in a sense of emotions
Rolling through my mind, as I go through the motions.
Saying I GOD YOU

I speak your name to sleep, trying hard not to wake
Afraid someone else would take my place, so I scream
Saying I GOD YOU

I beg an beg to touch your lips
as you hold my body at the hips making love I scream
Saying I GOD YOU

I need your body to feel secure
I’m anxious to feel you so much more, so I
Scream I GOD YOU!!!

If your in need in love baby I’m here
Ready, willing to take you anywhere so trust me
I will always be saying I GOD YOU!!!!!

funny existential commercial

In this commercial there are a bunch of people walking into a bottomless hole in a very mechanical way. While walking, Wendy starts to think that something wasn’t right. She felt that if she wanted to have a “juicy burger”, then that’s what she should have. Not long after, other people watched and listened to Wendy and they liked what they heard so they began to with her away from the hole. While they are leaving the sense more people start to follow. While this might seem like a normal advertisement for Wendy’s, it is a very existential commercial and it is full with existential ideas and themes.
The first existential theme that presents itself is absurdity. This is when they are walking in the hole. This is absurd because no one asked any questions or tried to effect change, everyone is just following the person that is in front of them. The next theme is the fact that she realized her radical freedom, and therefore began to question the thing that was going on around her. Not only does she realize her radical freedom, but she then alienates herself from the society around her by stepping outside of the box and it was at this time that the feeling of anguish came over her because she stood out, and society tell us that that’s bad thing but this feeling soon ended. Since existentialist believe that our actions affect those around us, some of the people that were on their way to that same hole took a second to hear what Wendy was saying. They liked what they heard so they started to follow what they saw her doing. This commercial basically shows us the everyday actions of mankind, just following what is expected of us, then theistic existentialism takes place.

existential quote 2

Jean Paul Sartre

“By existentialism we mean a doctrine which makes human life possible and, in addition, declares that every truth and every action implies a human setting and a human subjectivity”. This is controversial because Sartre also says that acting out of any doctrine is practicing bad faith. Therefore, he is putting his beliefs that he supports so strongly in the same category as things that he disagrees with, for example, the Bible. I disagree with this because there isn’t any doctrine, not even the bible, that can make human life possible. The only thing that can make human life possible is the one that created it; since God is the creator of human life, he is the only one that can make it possible. Therefore, theistically, man existence must precede his essence.

existential quote 1

Moses Maimonides once said, “The highest aim of man: the knowledge of God”, This quote explains the only thing that man wants to be able to understand all. This level of understanding remains impossible for man because he is not the creator of all. The understanding of existence through the eyes of a theistic existentialist is that God is the creator of all, therefore he has understanding of all. They also believe that mans existence precedes his essence because only God can perceive his essence. Therefore we don’t understand our essence so all that we understand is our existence. Man is the creation of God therefore, theistically mans existence proceeds his essence.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

400 years and still..

I understand that not everyone voted for our President elect, but this doesnt give use the right to slander his name based on his name based on the color of his skin. I feel that you have the right to your own opinion but we as a "nation" should at least give him a chance to mess up before we condem him to failure. Its sad to say, but this shows the high level of ignorance in this country. if this doesnt change we wont to worry about Mr Obama reuining the country, bacause we never had a chance