Saturday, November 29, 2008

funny existential commercial

In this commercial there are a bunch of people walking into a bottomless hole in a very mechanical way. While walking, Wendy starts to think that something wasn’t right. She felt that if she wanted to have a “juicy burger”, then that’s what she should have. Not long after, other people watched and listened to Wendy and they liked what they heard so they began to with her away from the hole. While they are leaving the sense more people start to follow. While this might seem like a normal advertisement for Wendy’s, it is a very existential commercial and it is full with existential ideas and themes.
The first existential theme that presents itself is absurdity. This is when they are walking in the hole. This is absurd because no one asked any questions or tried to effect change, everyone is just following the person that is in front of them. The next theme is the fact that she realized her radical freedom, and therefore began to question the thing that was going on around her. Not only does she realize her radical freedom, but she then alienates herself from the society around her by stepping outside of the box and it was at this time that the feeling of anguish came over her because she stood out, and society tell us that that’s bad thing but this feeling soon ended. Since existentialist believe that our actions affect those around us, some of the people that were on their way to that same hole took a second to hear what Wendy was saying. They liked what they heard so they started to follow what they saw her doing. This commercial basically shows us the everyday actions of mankind, just following what is expected of us, then theistic existentialism takes place.

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